
New building with attractive interest rate

Total investors Funding target
€ 630,175 € 850,000
Holding period
This project has been successfully repaid.
6,0% Interest p.a.
24 Months ca. Term
  • Investment type Loan
  • Interest payments At maturity
  • Funding threshold € 400,000
  • Funding target € 850,000
Note in accordance with section 12 (2) of the German Investment Act (Vermögensanlagengesetz):
The acquisition of this financial instrument involves considerable risks and can lead to the complete loss of the capital employed.

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Investment Overview

  • 6 % interest rate p.a.
  • Experienced issuer with a strong track record
  • Minimum term of 24 months
  • Final interest payment 
  • No fees for investors

Reasons why you should invest 

1. Top location

Munich is one of the most outstanding real estate locations not only in Germany, but throughout Europe. In Europe, properties in Munich are the most expensive after Paris, Basel and Geneva. The limited supply and good economic dynamics have caused Munich's property prices to rise sharply for years. This continues to make Munich an extremely attractive investment location.

2. Attractive interest rate 

For residential properties, 6.0 % p.a. represents a very good return - especially in combination with the property's extremely good location. This is an ideal investment for investors who want to invest in a location with stable value such as Munich.

3. Experienced issuer

The Issuer FORMHAUS Wohnbau Hofangerstraße GmbH & Co. KG is a member of the FORMHAUS Group. FORMHAUS develops residential real estate in economically strong Munich. Since 2015 the project development volume has already exceeded € 500 million. So far 215 properties have been realised.


The Issuer is a company of the Formhaus Group. For over 40 years and in its second generation, a dedicated team of competent architects, engineers, project managers and real estate experts has been developing single-family homes, semi-detached houses, townhouses and flats in selected locations in Munich and the surrounding area.



Project New construction of an apartment in Munich
Usage Residential
Living space 830 m²
Reservation-rate 30%
Location Hofangerstraße 5, 81735 Munich
Funding-Goal 850.000 €
Minimum duration 24 months
Repayment Single or global sale
Interest rate payments Final interest payment


Macro position Munich 

"The basis of the more than ten-year boom remains the low level of new construction activity. In our opinion, the imbalance is likely to worsen rather than ease for the time being". (Market Report Deutsche Bank Research on 10.9.2020, p.1)

Large excess demand  

The urban development possibilities for expanding the housing supply in Munich are limited. Munich has an average of only 1.72 persons per household, which is undercut among the metropolises only by Berlin. This means that between 2009 and 2019, new housing was created in Munich for around 108,600 people, while the population increased by 155,700.

Europe's fourth most expensive city    

The limited supply and good economic momentum have caused Munich's property prices to rise sharply for years. Since 2009, housing prices in the portfolio have risen by almost 180% and new condominiums by almost 130%.
In 2019, too, the prices for existing flats rose by 7.6%, which is a stronger increase than the prices for new flats, which rose by 5.4%.

From an international perspective, housing prices in Munich, Germany's most expensive and probably strongest economic city, are not out of line. According to Numbeo, Munich's average prices per square metre outside the city centre in September 2020 were EUR 7,800, an increase of around 3.5% compared to 2019, putting Munich in fourth place in a European comparison. Only Paris, Geneva and Basel are currently more expensive. In 2016, Munich was still in 14th place at EUR 5,250.


The new building project "Wohnen am Hofanger" is located at Hofangerstraße 5 in the Perlach district of Munich. The location directly at the Ostpark is extremely attractive. Beer garden, lake and the Michaelibad form a wonderful local recreation area. Due to the immediate vicinity of the underground station "Michaelibad", the property is optimally connected to public transport. It takes only 13 minutes by train to the main station. The attractive location is reflected in the prices: in the area, square metre prices for newly built flats average 8,411 euros.




AGB.pdf [ Deutsch ]
Datenschutzerklärung.pdf [ Deutsch ]
Risikohinweise.pdf [ Deutsch ]
Statusbezogene Informationen.pdf [ Deutsch ]
Widerrufsbelehrung.pdf [ Deutsch ]
Vermögensanlageninformationsblatt.pdf [ Deutsch ]
Nachrangdarlehensvertrag.pdf [ Deutsch ]
Verbraucherinformation.pdf [ Deutsch ]
Exposé.pdf [ Deutsch ]

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