Wohn- und Geschäftsimmobilie in Mitte

Total investors Funding target
€ 548,000 € 500,000
Holding period
This project has been successfully repaid.
5,0% Interest p.a.
18 Months ca. Term
  • Investment type Loan
  • Interest payments At maturity
  • Funding threshold € 450,000
  • Funding target € 500,000
Note in accordance with section 12 (2) of the German Investment Act (Vermögensanlagengesetz):
The acquisition of this financial instrument involves considerable risks and can lead to the complete loss of the capital employed.

Still want to see LÜTZOWSTRASSE BERLIN details?

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Investment Overview

Fixed interest rate of 5% per annum

No fees for the investor - neither agio premium nor ongoing management fees

No additional funding obligation for investors

Growing real estate market in Berlin

Property is fully rented

Existing residential and commercial real estate with ongoing rental income

A property in close proximity to Potsdamer Straße

Assigned income claims *

* For the benefit of the investors subordinated security in the form of security assignment of withdrawal claims of shareholders means that the shareholders may only make limited withdrawals from the assets of the issuer prior to full repayment of the loan amount. An additional pool of assets, which could be used in case of failure of the issuer to provide additional recoverable assets, is not provided by this security assignment.


Type of investment Subordinated loan
Borrower PLAB2 GmbH | Schulenburgring 2, 12101 Berlin
Loan size 500.000 Euro
Inteded use of loan Purchase, separation and sale of the units
Charges to investors None
Minimum investment 500 Euro
Interest rate 5,00 % p.a
Duration 18 months
Repayment At maturity
Interest payment At maturity
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Property Existing residential and commercial real estate in Lützowstraße 68 |
Derfflingerstraße 1, 10785 Berlin
Year of construction 1904
Site area 578 m2
Units 16 apartments and 2 commercial spaces
Total rental area 1,891 m2*
*plus an undeveloped unit in the attic
Currency Euro
Occupancy rate 100%
Annual rental income (actual value) 148,048 Euro
Total investment volume 6,670,000 Euro
Borrowed capital (banks) 3,500,000 Euro
Equity 2,670,000 Euro
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  • Risk Evaluation iFunded: B

    On iFunded’s webpage, every project is evaluated based on 9 defined criteria and placed into one of 5 risk categories. LÜTZOWSTRASSE BERLIN is placed in risk category B and therefore at relatively low-risk.

  • International Developer

    The issuer of LÜTZOWSTRASSE BERLIN project is PLAB2 GmbH, which is 100% owned by Placerat Berlin GmbH. Managing Director and sole shareholder of Placerat Berlin GmbH is Mr. Erlend Christoffersen, who has been building a portfolio of residential real estate in Berlin since 2014 as a real estate investor.

  • This is how Investors money in used

    The purchase of the property is to be financed with the subordinated loan in the amount of approximately 6.100.000 Euro. By receiving the certificate of separation it is intendend that the financing bank will increase the loan provided from 1,980,000 Euros up to 3,500,000 Euros. A total cost of 6,670,000 Euros was calculated for the project.

  • Thorough information concerning this project can be found in the Investment-Exposé





  • Fixed interest rate of 5.00% p.a.
  • No fees for the investor - neither agio premium nor ongoing management fees
  • No additional funding obligation for investors
  • Growing Berlin real estate market
  • Property to 100% rented
  • Assignment of profit distribution to trustee in favor of the investor
  • The renovation costs may be higher due to unforeseen circumstances
  • It may be that the demand for apartment sales decreases leading to lower market prices, which would reduce the project profit
  • For the investor, there is a risk of total loss, as stated in the terms of iEstate investments. Moreover, it is conceivable that, for example, an individual borrowing of the respective investment amount or payable tax contributions causes further payment obligations. This can even lead to the insolvency of the investor.
  • It is also conceivable that, for example, an individual debt financing of the respective investment income or tax contributions to be made cause further payment obligations. This may lead to the insolvency of the investor.
  • Separation declaration may not be issued: Financing bank does not increase the loan
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  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E

For each project on iFunded the risk is determined using a standardized procedure. There are a total of nine criteria, by means of which the project risk will be assessed. Depending on the severity of the individual risk criteria, risk points will be awarded and added up at the end. Depending on the number of risk points, the real estate project is classified into one of five risk classes. The risk categories go from A to E, with A being low risk and E for higher risk. Here you can download the detailed evaluation scheme as PDF: iFunded Risk Assessment.

In total LÜTZOWSTRASSE BERLIN earns 12 Risk Points and therefore achieves Risk Category B. This is how the criterias are build up:

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Risk criteria Specification Risk pointstot
Debt ratio 52.47 % 2
Equity ratio 40.03 % 0
Macro location Berlin 0
Micro location Lützow district in Berlin-Mitte 1
Occupancy rate 100% 0
Number of tenants >10 0
Development phase Existing property with little maintenance backlog 1
Issuer experience Total investment volume <50 million € 4
Securities Personal guarantee 2
2nd class debt 2
Profit transfer claims 0
Overall 12
*Note: iFunded does not perform any kind of investment advice and does not constitute any risk evaluation for a individual investor whether the investment suits a investors personal risk profile. Risk assessments must be carried out by the investor itself and is not replaced by iFunded's risk assessment. The risk evaluation is based on standardised criteria, which are evaluated during the the structuring of the investment. The actual performance of the investment in the future can be adverse. Even with a low risk profile there is a remaining risk of a total loss of the investment for any investor.


The Issuer

PLAB2 GmbH is the borrower and the buyer of the property at Lützowstraße 68 | Derfflingerstraße 1. It is 100% owned by Placerat Berlin GmbH. Managing Partner of Placerat Berlin GmbH is Erlend Christoffersen. Mr. Christoffersen is a real estate investor who has been building a portfolio of residential real estate in Berlin since 2014, partly to keep it in the longer term and partly to sell it after renovation. The sale of the properties acquired by Placerat Berlin GmbH is carried out as a whole as well as through the sale of individual residential and / or business units. Placerat Berlin GmbH is supported by a Berlin expert team with regard to the strategic planning and optimization of the porfolio, with many years of experience in this market and is familiar with the trends and developments of the individual housing estates.


The purchase of the property is to be financed with the subordinated loan in the amount of approximately 6,100,000 Euros. With the aim of obtaining a separation declaration*, it is intended that the financing bank, the Berliner Volksbank, will increase the loan provided from 1,980,000 Euros up to 3,500,000 Euros. For the LÜTZOWSTRASSE BERLIN project total costs of 6,670,000 Euros were calculated. It is planned that the loans granted as part of the crowdfunding will be repaid by the increased loan.

*Certificate of sufficient structural separation (closeness) of residential / commercial units or part ownership of other apartments and rooms.


Costs including Tax

Purchase price € 5,530,000
Acquisition costs € 800,000
Separation costs € 360,000
Maintenance costs € 190,000
Controlling € 20,000
Total costs € 6,670,000
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LÜTZOWSTRASSE BERLIN Expose.pdf [ Deutsch ]

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