Portfolio property (existing property)
A portfolio property is an existing property that is already being used in contrast to a construction project.
Crowdinvesting is a form of financing in which a large amount of investors invest relatively small amounts of money over the Internet to mostly young companies (start-ups) with the hope to receive a high return on their investment. Compared to real estate crowdfunding, investing in start-ups is much riskier because the default rates are very […]
Unter Crowdlending versteht man die Vermittlung eines Darlehens über eine Internet-Dienstleistungsplattform zwischen einem Kunden (Darlehensnehmer) und einem Kreditinstitut (Darlehensgeber), das über eine Erlaubnis nach § 32 Abs. 1 Kreditwesengesetz (KWG) verfügt.