Loan Receivables: Investment Opportunity with Securities
There are various ways to invest in real estate via crowdfunding. Typically, the investors have acted directly as a lender. The mezzanine capital required by a project developer, or borrower, was put together out of a number of smaller loan amounts (of a maximum of 10,000 euros) from private investors. A newer approach is the […]
Wie der Senat den Wohnungsmangel bekämpfen könnte
André Adami von bulwiengesa hat eine Studie zum Wohnungsmarkt in Berlin erstellt. Darin stellt er dar, was die Berliner Senatsverwaltung tun müsste, um den Neubau nachhaltig anzuschieben. Dabei fordert er unter anderem eine Strafgebühr, falls hinter einer Baugenehmigung keine ernsthafte Bauabsicht steht. Redaktion: Sind die von der Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung geplanten 14.000 Wohnungen pro Jahr […]
US study: Bad advice with independent financial advisors
Anyone seeking advice on investing money relies more on an independent advisor than on a bank employee – after all, the latter are responsible for marketing the bank’s own products. Scientists from the USA have found in a study that this is not always a good decision. This is because independent advisors often make the […]